I Am College
I Am College commissioned Wunderwald to create a complete brand world for a new four-year MBO education program for entrepreneurial talent. I Am College believes that starting an enterprise is something you can learn by focusing on people’s unique talents. Students are learning how to run a business, not from theory but from practice.
I Am College is convinced that entrepreneurship is key for a sustainable and successful future. They believe that the ability to create your own living is the answer to the growing demands of contemporary society. Especially practically oriented young people deserve a challenging education where they can develop their talents and make the most of themselves.
I Am College has high ambitions. In Amsterdam, the maximum amount of students that they can house is 240. Subsequently, they want to develop a branch of equal size in all twelve provinces of the Netherlands.
For the logo design of the I Am College, we decided for a bold typeface that immediately catches the eye. The letter ‘A’ shows a slanted line that is repeated through the whole identity style. We choose for a combination of full colour and monotone photography to use both on- and offline. The colour palette is green and blue, in all kinds of colour tones, from pastel to fluorescent.
We designed a flexible system including a suite of tools and elements for the complete identity style of I Am College. The educational team can use this system for future posters and online assets, for many more years-and students-to come.