Agri Meets Design

From 2012 onwards, Wunderwald has designed the brand world for the Agri Meets Design program, which takes place annually during the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
The Agri Meets Design platform launched with the objective of enabling farmers and designers to collaborate and together solve social and agricultural issues within our food chain. Since its start, the program has been showing how versatile and worthwhile the input of designers can be for complex agricultural issues
Agri Meets Design 2016

Wunderwald collaborated with Food Cabinet and Ruigwerk to develop an identity, collateral and brand world that highlights the Agri Meets Design signature of connecting farmers and designers. The campaign images are shot by Ester Grass Vergara. For the images, we’ve created the concept to alienate farm animals and farmer’s tools-like a pitchfork and wheelbarrow-and turning them into design objects themselves.

The Agri Meets Design identity features a sophisticated and refined aesthetic. Every year, we extend this aesthetic across many touchpoints, like magazines, program booklets, and signage. The result is a recognizable and cohesive brand, which celebrates the joining of farmers and designers in finding solutions for agricultural issues.

Agri Meets Design 2015 | De Kas

Agri Meets Design 2014

Agri Meets Design 2013

Agri Meets Design is commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Southern Agriculture and Horticulture Organization (ZLTO) and the Province of North Brabant for the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven, the Netherlands (1800 designers, 300 activities, 85 locations and more than 200.000 visitors).